
social issue


この記事では、マリア・レッサさんのノーベル平和賞受賞スピーチ(Nobel Prize lecture)の和訳を紹介します。




Nobel Prize lecture: Maria Ressa, Nobel Peace Prize 2021




私は覚えています。Jamal Khashoggiの残忍な切断、マルタのDaphne Caruana Galiziaの暗殺、ベネズエラの私の友人Luz Mely Reyes、ベラルーシのRoman Protasevich(逮捕されるために文字通り飛行機がハイジャックされた)、香港の刑務所で苦しんでいるJimmy Lai、7年以上刑務所から出た後別のニュースグループを始め、今はミャンマーから脱出せざる得ないSonny Sweを覚えています。そして私の国では、23歳のFrenchie Mae Cumpioが2年近くたった今も獄中にいます。そしてつい36時間前、私の元同僚Jess Malabananが頭に銃弾を受けて殺されたというニュースが流れました。

私たちがより安全に働けるようサポートしてくれている沢山の人に感謝しています。報道の自由を守る80以上の世界的な団体からなる#HoldTheLine連合、そして私たちが光を放つのを助けてくれる人権団体。フィリピンでは、2016年にロドリゴ・ドゥテルテ大統領が就任した後に殺害された22人のジャーナリストに比べ、より多くの弁護士が殺害されています少なくとも63人。それ以来、私たちの人権連合「#CourageON」のメンバーであるKarapatanは16人が殺害され、Leila de Lima上院議員は説明責任を求めたため、刑務所で5年間服役しています。また、最大の放送局であるABS-CBNは、かつて私が率いたニュースルームですが、昨年、運営権を失いました




現役のジャーナリストがこの賞を受賞したのは1936年のことで、Carl von Ossietzkyはナチスの強制収容所に収監され、オスロにはたどり着けませんでした。私たちは、実際にここにいるのだから、きっと前進しています!

今日、ノーベル委員会はジャーナリストにこの賞を与えることで、同じ歴史的瞬間、民主主義にとってもう一つの存在意義を示しているのです。ドミトリーと私は幸運にも、今あなたたちと話すことができます(裁判所の承認に感謝)! しかし、表に出ず、支援もなく影で迫害されているジャーナリストはもっとたくさんいますし、政府は容赦なく二重の手を打ってきています。テクノロジーは加速器であり、創造的破壊が新たな意味を持つ時代です。






ジャーナリズムの根幹には、行動規範があります。 そして私の場合は、さまざまな世界が重なり合っています。—何が正しくて何が間違っているのかを学んだ幼少時代、倫理規範を学んだ大学時代、記者時代、そして、私は学び標準&倫理規範の執筆を手伝いました。

さらに、フィリピンの「utang na loob(内なる負債)」という考え方は、最高の「恩返し」のシステムなのです。






ソーシャルメディアは、Shoshana Zuboffが監視資本主義と呼ぶ、権力と金銭をめぐる命がけのゲームであり、私たちの私生活を抜き出して企業の利益を最大限に高めるものです。私たちの個人的な体験はデータベースに吸い上げられ、AIによって整理され、最高入札者に売却される。高収益のマイクロターゲット作戦は、人間の意志を構造的に弱めるように設計されています。私たちがパブロフの犬となり、リアルタイムで実験され、私の国、ミャンマー、インド、スリランカ、その他多くの国で悲惨な結果をもたらしている行動修正システムなのです。これらの破壊的な企業は、ニュースグループから資金を吸い上げ、今や市場や選挙に基本的な脅威を与えています。




私が2019年に初めて逮捕されたとき、警官は「Ma’am, trabaho lang po, (マダム、私はただ自分の仕事をしているだけです)」と言ったのです。そして、私のミランダ権を読み上げるときに、ほとんど小声になるくらい声を小さくした。彼は明らかに不愉快そうで、私は気の毒になりそうだった。彼は私がジャーナリストだから逮捕したのだということを除いては!






ブラジル、ハンガリー、フランス、アメリカ、そして私の住むフィリピンなど、来年選挙を控えた国々が直面している問題である。ピープルパワーの反乱でFerdinand Marcosが追放され、彼の家族が亡命を余儀なくされてから35年、彼の息子であるFerdinand Marcos, Jr.が第一候補となっており、彼はソーシャルメディア上で大規模な偽情報ネットワークを築いており、2019年にRapplerがそれを暴露しています。それが、私たちの目の前で歴史を変えているのです。





まず、ジャーナリストの保護を強化し、ジャーナリストの命を狙う国家に立ち向かうことで、独立したジャーナリズムを確保する必要があります。そして、ジャーナリズムへの広告モデルの崩壊に対処する必要があります。私が、海外の開発援助資金から新たな資金を調達しようとする「International Fund for Public Interest Media」の共同議長に同意したのも、このような理由からです。いま、ジャーナリズムがあらゆる面で攻撃を受けている一方で、ODAのうちジャーナリズムに使われているのはわずか0.3%です。これを1%に近づけると、報道機関のために年間10億ドルを調達することができる。これは、南の発展途上国(global south)にとって非常に重要なことです。

ジャーナリストはテクノロジーを受け入れなければなりません。だからこそ、Google News Initiativeの支援を受けて、Rapplerは2週間前に行動するコミュニティを構築するための新しいプラットフォームを立ち上げたのです。The north starは利益だけでなく、事実、真実、そして信頼です。











Thank you.

Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Distinguished Members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Your Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen.

I stand before you, a representative of every journalist around the world who is forced to sacrifice so much to hold the line, to stay true to our values and mission: to bring you the truth and hold power to account.

I remember the brutal dismemberment of Jamal Khashoggi, the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta, my friend, Luz Mely Reyes in Venezuela, Roman Protasevich in Belarus (whose plane was literally hijacked so he could be arrested), Jimmy Lai languishing in a Hong Kong prison, Sonny Swe, who after getting out of more than 7 years in jail started another news group and now is forced to flee Myanmar. And in my own country, 23 year old Frenchie Mae Cumpio, still in prison after nearly 2 years, and just 36 hours ago the news that my former colleague, Jess Malabanan, was killed with a bullet to the head.

There are so many to thank for helping keep us safer and working. The #HoldTheLine Coalition of more than 80 global groups defending press freedom, and the human rights groups that help us shine the light. There are costs for you as well: in the Philippines, more lawyers have been killed—at least 63 compared to the 22 journalists murdered after President Rodrigo Duterte took office in 2016. Since then, Karapatan, a member of our #CourageON human rights coalition, has had 16 people killed, and Senator Leila de Lima—because she demanded accountability, is serving her 5th year in jail. Or ABS-CBN, our largest broadcaster, a news room I once led, which, last year, lost its franchise to operate.

I helped create a startup, Rappler, turning 10 years old in January—our attempt to put together two sides of a coin that shows everything wrong with our world today: an absence of law and democratic vision for the 21st century. That coin represents our information ecosystem, which determines everything else about our world. Journalists, the old gatekeepers, are one side of the coin. The other is technology, with its god-like power that has allowed a virus of lies to infect each of us, pitting us against each other, bringing out our fears, anger and hate, and setting the stage for the rise of authoritarians and dictators around the world.

Our greatest need today is to transform that hate and violence, the toxic sludge that’s coursing through our information ecosystem, prioritized by American internet companies that make more money by spreading that hate and triggering the worst in us… well, that just means we have to work much harder. (hold up t-shirt) In order to be the good, we have to BElieve THEre is GOOD in the world.

I have been a journalist for more than 35 years: I’ve worked in conflict zones and warzones in Asia, reported on hundreds of disasters—and while I have seen so much bad, I have also documented so much good, when people who have nothing offer you what they have. Part of how we at Rappler survived the last 5 years of government attacks is because of the kindness of strangers, and the reason they help—despite the danger—is because they want to, with little expectation of anything in return. This is the best of who we are, the part of our humanity that makes miracles happen. This is what we lose when we live in a world of fear and violence.

The last time a working journalist was given this award was in 1936, and Carl von Ossietzky never made it to Oslo because he languished in a Nazi concentration camp. So we’re hopefully a step ahead because we’re actually here!

By giving this to journalists today, the Nobel committee is signaling a similar historical moment, another existential point for democracy. Dmitry and I are lucky because we can speak to you now (yay for court approvals)! But there are so many more journalists persecuted in the shadows with neither exposure nor support, and governments are doubling down with impunity. The accelerant is technology, at a time when creative destruction takes new meaning.

We are standing on the rubble of the world that was, and we must have the foresight and courage to imagine what might happen if we don’t act now, and instead, create the world as it should be—more compassionate, more equal, more sustainable.

To do that, please ask yourself the same question my team and I had to confront 5 years ago: what are you willing to sacrifice for the truth?

I’ll tell you how I lived my way into the answer in three points: first, my context and how these attacks shaped me; second, by the problem we all face; and finally, finding the solution—because we must!

In less than 2 years, the Philippine government filed 10 arrest warrants against me. I’ve had to post bail 10 times just to do my job. Last year, I and a former colleague were convicted of cyber libel for a story we published 8 years earlier at a time the law we allegedly violated didn’t even exist. All told, the charges I face could send me to jail for about 100 years.

But, the more I was attacked for my journalism, the more resolute I became. I had first-hand evidence of abuse of power. What was meant to intimidate me and Rappler only strengthened us.

At the core of journalism is a code of honor. And mine is layered on different worlds—from how I grew up, when I learned what was right and wrong; from college, and the honor code I learned there; and my time as a reporter, and the code of standards & ethics I learned and helped write. Add to that the Filipino idea of utang na loob—or the debt from within—at its best, a system of paying it forward.

Truth and ethical honor intersected like an arrow into this moment where hate, lies, and divisiveness thrive. As only the 18th woman to receive this prize, I need to tell you how gendered disinformation is a new threat and is taking a significant toll on the mental health and physical safety of women, girls, trans, and LGBTQ+ people all over the world. Women journalists are at the epicenter of risk. This pandemic of misogyny and hatred needs to be tackled, now. Even there, we can find strength. After all, you don’t really know who you really are until you’re forced to fight for it.

Now let me pull out so we’re clear about the problem we all face and how we got here.

The attacks against us in Rappler began 5 years ago when we demanded an end to impunity on two fronts: Duterte’s drug war and Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook. Today, it has only gotten worse—and Silicon Valley’s sins came home to roost in the United States on January 6 with mob violence on Capitol Hill.

What happens on social media doesn’t stay on social media.

Online violence is real world violence.

Social media is a deadly game for power and money, what Shoshana Zuboff calls surveillance capitalism, extracting our private lives for outsized corporate gain. Our personal experiences are sucked into a database, organized by AI, then sold to the highest bidder. Highly profitable micro-targeting operations are engineered to structurally undermine human will—a behavior modification system in which we are Pavlov’s dogs, experimented on in real time with disastrous consequences in countries like mine, Myanmar, India, Sri Lanka and so many more. These destructive corporations have siphoned money away from news groups and now pose a foundational threat to markets and elections.

Facebook is the world’s largest distributor of news, and yet studies have shown that lies laced with anger and hate spread faster and further than facts on social media.

These American companies controlling our global information ecosystem are biased against facts, biased against journalists. They are—by design—dividing us and radicalizing us.

Without facts, you can’t have truth. Without truth, you can’t have trust. Without trust, we have no shared reality, no democracy, and it becomes impossible to deal with our world’s existential problems: climate, coronavirus, the battle for truth.

When I was first arrested in 2019, the officer said, “Ma’am, trabaho lang po,” (Ma’am, I’m only doing my job). Then he lowered his voice to almost a whisper as he read my Miranda rights. He was clearly uncomfortable, and I almost felt sorry for him. Except he was arresting me because I’m a journalist!

This officer was a tool of power—and an example of how a good man can turn evil—and how great atrocities happen. Hannah Arendt wrote about the banality of evil when describing men who carried out the orders of Hitler, how career-oriented bureaucrats can act without conscience because they justify that they’re only following orders.

This is how a nation—and a world—loses its soul.

You have to know what values you are fighting for, and you have to draw the lines early—but if you haven’t done so, do it now: where this side you’re good, and this side, you’re evil. Some governments may be lost causes, and if you’re working in tech, I’m talking to you.

How can you have election integrity if you don’t have integrity of facts?

That’s the problem facing countries with elections next year: among them, Brazil, Hungary, France, the United States, and my Philippines—where we are at a do or die moment with presidential elections on May 9. 35 years after the People Power revolt ousted Ferdinand Marcos and forced his family into exile, his son, Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. is the front runner—and he has built an extensive disinformation network on social media, which Rappler exposed in 2019. That is changing history in front of our eyes. 

To show how disinformation is both a local and global problem, take the Chinese information operations taken down by Facebook in Sept 2020: it was creating fake accounts using AI generated photos for the US elections, polishing the image of the Marcoses, campaigning for Duterte’s daughter, and attacking me and Rappler.

So what are we going to do?

An invisible atom bomb exploded in our information ecosystem, and the world must act as it did after Hiroshima. Like that time, we need to create new institutions, like the United Nations, and new codes stating our values, like the universal declaration of human rights, to prevent humanity from doing its worse. It’s an arms race in the information ecosystem. To stop that requires a multilateral approach that all of us must be part of. It begins by restoring facts.

We need information ecosystems that live and die by facts. We do this by shifting social priorities to rebuild journalism for the 21st century while regulating and outlawing the surveillance economics that profit from hate and lies.

We need to help independent journalism survive, first by giving greater protection to journalists and standing up against States which target journalists. Then we need to address the collapse of the advertising model for journalism. This is part of the reason that I agreed to co-chair the International Fund for Public Interest Media, which is trying to raise new money from overseas development assistance funds. Right now, while journalism is under attack on all fronts, only 0.3% of ODA is spent on journalism. If we nudge that to 1%, we can raise $1bn a year for news organizations. That will be crucial for the global south.

Journalists must embrace technology. That’s why, with the help of the Google News Initiative, Rappler rolled out a new platform two weeks ago designed to build communities of action. The north star is not profit alone, but facts, truth, and trust.

Now for legislation. Thanks to the EU for taking leadership with its Democracy Action Plan. For the US, reform or revoke section 230, the law that treats social media platforms like utilities. It’s not a comprehensive solution, but it gets the ball rolling. Because these platforms put their thumbs on the scale of distribution. So while the public debate is focused downstream on content moderation, the real sleight of hand, happens further upstream, where algorithms of distribution have been programmed by humans with their coded bias. Their editorial agenda is profit driven, carried out by machines at scale. The impact is global, with cheap armies on social media tearing down democracy in at least 81 countries around the world. That impunity must stop.

Democracy has become a woman-to-woman, man-to-man defense of our values. We’re at a sliding door moment, where we can continue down the path we’re on and descend further into fascism, or we can each choose to fight for a better world.

To do that, you have to ask yourself: what are YOU willing to sacrifice for the truth?

I didn’t know if I was going to be here today. Every day, I live with the real threat of spending the rest of my life in jail just because I’m a journalist. When I go home, I have no idea what the future holds, but it’s worth the risk.

The destruction has happened. Now it’s time to build—to create the world we want.

Now, please, with me, close your eyes. And imagine the world as it should be. A world of peace, trust and empathy, bringing out the best that we can be.

Now let’s go and make it happen. Let’s hold the line. Together.

